Meet the Team

Hover over or click on a team member's image for a brief bio. Scroll down for full bios. Please email to request a team member's resume.

Barb has a Bachelor's in Statistics and is the primary point of contact for client work.
Barb Donnini
Victoria has a Bachelor's in Biological Sciences and does admin & marketing work for Boxplot.
Victoria Canizales
Operations Director
Andreas has a Master's in Statistics and experience in the finance industry. He works on client projects for Boxplot.
Andreas Lezis
Statistical Analyst
Kelsey has a Bachelor's degree from the University of Colorado, Boulder and complete client projects for Boxplot.
Kelsey McNeillie
Data Analyst
Val has a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from Drexel University with several years of experience working with data in energy research.
Valerie Niemann
Data Analyst
Justin has a Bachelor's Degree in both Data Science and Economics from the University of Rochester.
Justin Clifford
Data Scientist
Khem is a Data Scientist pursuing a Ph.D. in statistics.
Khem Veasna
Data Scientist
Muriel is a skilled Data Engineer & Analyst with a dual Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Psychology, and a Master’s degree in Data Science.
Muriel Liguori
Data Scientist
Colleen has a Master's Degree from Florida State University and over 15 years experience in driving business outcomes through data-driven strategies.
Colleen Turner
Strategic Growth Director
Sofia has a Bachelor's in Industrial & Systems Engineering and a Master's in Analytics, both from the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Sofia Laval
Data Scientist

More Detailed Bios

Barbara Donnini

Barbara is a data scientist with dual Bachelor's Degrees in Applied Statistics and Economics, a demonstrated history of working in the industry. She previously held a position as a Business Analyst at an insurance company where she primarily served the needs of the organization’s marketing department. She also worked for a statistician analyzing a variety of corporate, government, and nonprofit datasets. Barbara is currently the President of Boxplot and her favorite projects involve crafting dynamic dashboards and reports that clients can use to make data-driven decisions. She is a member of the American Statistical Association, and also teaches for General Assembly. Barbara is an expert in Excel, Tableau, PowerBI, Qlik, Python, R, JavaScript, and SQL. In her free time she enjoys anything outdoors, but particularly gardening and permaculture.

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Victoria Canizales

Victoria is the company administrator and marketing specialist. She has a BS in Biological Sciences and a minor in Women & Gender Studies from Arizona State University. Victoria loves organization and details, and enjoys working behind the scenes to ensure a successful workflow at Boxplot. She lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina where she is furthering her education by learning Spanish as a second language. Victoria is also an artist who creates ceramics, knitwear, and analog photographs. In her free time, she enjoys meditation, yoga, listening to podcasts, and trying new restaurants.

LinkedIn Profile


Andreas Lezis

Andreas is a data scientist and has a Master's in Applied Statistics from Villanova University. He also has dual Bachelor's Degrees in Economics and International Relations from Lafayette College. While Andreas works on a variety of statistical projects for Boxplot, he specializes in economic and financial data applications, particularly related to time series, regression, and programming in R. Andreas is a member of the American Statistical Association, and holds their prestigious GStat Accreditation. In his spare time, Andreas enjoys camping.

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Kelsey McNeillie

Kelsey has a Bachelor's Degree in Sociology from the University of Colorado, Boulder and has extensive experience working in data analytics. Kelsey does contract work on data analytics projects for Boxplot, with a primary focus on Excel, SQL, and Tableau. Kelsey has worked for top education tech companies like General Assembly, and currently works for DataCamp. She also worked with data and served as a database administrator * at the South Metro Denver REALTOR® Association. In her free time, Kelsey likes to read, go on long walks, explore the Denver craft brewery scene, and play with her cat, Ronin.

LinkedIn Profile


Valerie Niemann

Valerie has a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from Drexel University with several years of experience working with data in energy research. She is skilled in Python and SQL, and also does work in web tool development. Val supports projects for Boxplot. Val is the recipient of numerous awards including the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship, American Chemical Society Scholastic Achievement Award, Fulbright Research Award to Switzerland, ThinkSwiss Research Scholarship, Tau Beta Pi Scholarship, and the Drexel Valedictorian Scholarship. Valerie enjoys Nordic and Alpine skiing and indulging her coffee addiction.

LinkedIn Profile


Justin Clifford

Justin has a Bachelor's Degree in both Data Science and Economics from the University of Rochester, and is excited by the prospect of making data science accessible and understandable to professionals of all backgrounds. He mainly supports Python-based projects for Boxplot, but is also proficient in R, SQL, and Java. Outside of work, he enjoys spending time with family and friends, and attending sporting events; having grown up in the Boston area, he is a huge fan of all things Boston sports.

LinkedIn Profile


Khem Veasna

Khem is a seasoned professional with statistics, machine learning, and software engineering expertise. He has a Master's in Applied Mathematics and is currently a PhD student in Statistics at the University of New Hampshire. With a wealth of experience in startups, Khem has honed skills in developing cutting-edge solutions blending data science and technology. He specializes in statistical analysis and machine learning, deriving actionable insights from complex data.

LinkedIn Profile


Muriel Liguori

Muriel is a skilled Data Engineer & Analyst with a dual Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Psychology, and a Master's degree in Data Science. Her professional journey includes roles as a Software Engineer and Data Analyst for a kiosk and software solution company, a Software Engineer for an AI health insurance company, and a Data Analyst & Engineer for a foster care technology company. She has also volunteered her data expertise to support non-profit organizations. Outside of work, Muriel enjoys spending time with her family and friends, and photography.

LinkedIn Profile


Colleen Turner

Colleen is an accomplished sales professional with over 20 years of experience in IT sales, channel management, and strategic sales process development. At Toptal and Amazon Web Services, she demonstrated her expertise by significantly expanding sales territories, enhancing CRM functionalities, and driving substantial revenue growth. At Toptal, Colleen led the creation of a cloud partner co-sell model, growing partner attached revenue from zero to $150 million and generating $50 million in partner-generated revenue by 2023. During her tenure at Amazon Web Services, she developed and launched a comprehensive go-to-market strategy for the US Central Region, producing $4 billion in revenue over three years. Colleen's ability to build and lead high-performing teams, negotiate large-scale contracts, and develop innovative sales strategies makes her a valuable asset to any organization. Her proactive approach includes participating in networking groups, hosting events, leveraging social media, and implementing referral programs, all aimed at driving long-term growth and success.


Sofia Laval

Sofia is a Data Analyst and Industrial Engineer with a Bachelor's in Industrial & Systems Engineering and a Master's in Analytics, both from the Georgia Institute of Technology. She has experience working in the healthcare technology, airline, manufacturing, and supply chain industries. Sofia is skilled in Python, SQL, Tableau, and R, and she primarily supports Tableau-based projects for Boxplot. She is enthusiastic about utilizing data analysis to drive positive change in various industries. She volunteers her skills as a data analyst for non-profit organizations and is passionate about improving the lives of animals in shelters. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, cooking, practicing yoga, and sewing.

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